Having More Isn't About Doing More, It's About Being More.
That's the secret all successful people know...that's the power of being!
In This Short Book You'll Discover:
- The divine ability only human beings have, and how you can use this power to attract more of the experiences you want in your business and your life.
- A simple three-step process you can begin using right away to start having more of what you want in life.
- Practical tools and exercises designed to help you put the concept I present in the book into practice.
- Lots of additional content, including the full unabridged MP3 version and instructional videos. All designed to help you better understand and apply this important concept.
Only $9.99

30 Day No BS Risk-Free Guarantee
I'm so confident that you'll realize incredible benefits from reading this book that I offer a full 30 day money-back guarantee. If, at any time in that period, you aren't completely satisfied just e-mail me and request a refund at contact (at) gmarkphillips (dot) com. No BS. No hassle. No questions asked.
While you're here be sure to download The Human Being's Manifesto.
This is my free gift to you. I wrote The Human Being's Manifesto to remind you that, unlike all of the other creatures on earth, you are special and divine. You have the God spark within you. And like God, you are a powerful creator. Learning how to harness and use this creative power is perhaps the primary purpose of life.
Share The Manifesto:
Hear real people who have discovered the power of being share their experience.
Inside the pages of this PDF you'll find links to content as well as time stamps, so you can jump right to the exact spot and listen.
Download your free copy of Being is Your Superpower.

Would you like one-on-one coaching on the power of being?
If so, contact me today to set up a free 15 minute call.
We'll talk about what you can expect from this coaching package and see if it's a good fit for you.
There's no obligation to buy.
Email me at : contact (at) gmarkphillips (dot) com.
Here's what you'll receive when you purchase this one-on-one coaching package:
- PDF versions of my book, including access to all of the bonus content.
- A simple in-take questionnaire designed to help you (and I) get clarity on what you really want in your business and your life, so we can design a course of action specifically for you.
- A one hour recorded call in MP3 format.
- A one hour recorded follow-up call two weeks later to address any questions you have.
The price for this package is currently $297.
This price is subject to change, so contact me today if you're interested in putting this timeless practice to work for you.
Continue reading to learn more about the power of being.
All the best! - Mark
“Human beings are the only creatures on Earth that can choose what they will be. No other creature has this divine power. This is the gift God gave mankind alone." ~Opening passage from the book
Just What Is The Power of Being? And Why Is It So Important?
The best way for you to understand the power of being is to experience it for yourself. To help you do this, here's a simple exercise you can perform right now.
Think of the following words: Tough. Resilient. Bold. Determined. Tenacious.
Now think of these words: Timid. Uncertain. Unable. Indecisive. Anxious.
How did you feel when you thought of the first set of words? And the second? Which group of words do you feel would empower you to show up in the world as a better version of yourself, perform better, and thus improve your experiences?
That's the power of being.
Now let's take a look at why it's so important.
When It Comes To Improving Your Experiences in Life, There Are Only Two Variables; Being and Doing.
While it's true that your experiences are caused by what you do (the actions you take and the moves you make), what you do, and more importantly, how you do it, is caused by your state of being. It's this variable that most people ignore. They simply don't think about it. This is a HUGE MISTAKE! Why? Because your state of being informs your state of doing. All the time. As in 100% of it. If you simply start doing something without cultivating the proper state of being, you're leaving a lot on the table in terms of performance and effectiveness.
This oversight ultimately translates into sub-par experiences across the board. In other words, you won't get the outcomes you want. I know you don't want that. However, when you infuse what you do (the actions you take) with the right state of being, you'll cause the experiences you want to have in every area of your life. Furthermore, both your performance and your results will skyrocket. You'll find yourself experiencing far better outcomes than you ever imagined. You'll literally amaze yourself. I know because I've done it. And let me tell you, there is no better feeling in the world.
That's the power of being.
And, that's the secret you'll discover in this short book and the accompanying tools and exercises.
Here's What You’ll Get When You Purchase:

A Simple, Effective Solution That Works
You're busy. You don't have time for endless drivel and success anecdotes. That's why I get right to the point and only share the essential knowledge you need to know to begin applying the concepts right away.
Access To Lots Of Additional Content
Through a link in the book, you'll have access to instructional videos, exercises, tools, and an MP3. All designed to help you put the ideas I present in the book into practice.
A 100% Money-Back Guarantee
I want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. If you're not (for any reason) I'll refund your money. No questions asked.
"A powerful little book"
"A simple idea that, through God's grace, reveals deep truths."
Who Am I? And Why Should You Listen To Me?
For starters, I'm just like you. I'm on the same path of seeking knowledge and wisdom that when applied can radically improve my life. I'm also deeply passionate about spirituality, metaphysics, and understanding the creative power of thought. And, I have been for over 18 years.
My passion has lead me to continuously practice these techniques in my own life. Additionally, I've written 4 books on these topics to share this knowledge others, including a two-part children's series. I've made it my life's work to design and develop simple, effective transformational tools you can use to enhance your experience. In addition to creating these tools, I host a weekly podcast titled, Enhancing the Human Experience, available on all of the major podcast platforms, including YouTube. I routinely invite guests on the show to share their expertise with us. I also discuss and share the concepts I've discovered on my own journey to help you consciously create and live your very best life.
The idea for this book came from my extensive study in a wide variety of spiritual, philosophical, and metaphysical ideologies. In my studies, there was one idea that kept recurring over and over again. One central concept that all of the masters, from all spiritual traditions spoke about.
This secret, as I call it, is at the heart of attracting the experiences you want to have in life. It was so prevalent in all the works, by all of the masters, that I was compelled to write a book about it, and share it in a simple straight-forward way.
But I didn't stop there. Because I know that knowledge without application is useless. So I developed practical tools and exercises you can use to put this secret into practice and realize benefits in your own life.
Incidentally, you'll find quotes from some of the masters I spoke of on this page.

I Know You Don't Want To Read Another Book On Personal Development. And Quite Frankly, Neither Do I.
That's Why You Don't Have To.
What You'll Get When You Purchase:
The Full Unabridged Audiobook in MP3 Format
"This studio-quality recording is perfect for listening on-the-go."
Download this 37 minute MP3 to your computer or smartphone and listen where and when it's convenient. Repeated listening will help you better absorb the information.

A 9-Minute Video Where I Talk In-Depth About The Concepts I Present In The Book
"The purpose of this video is to help you understand these concepts better."
In this video, I talk about the central idea of the book in an effort to help you deepen your understanding. Better understanding leads to better application. And better application leads to better results.
A 12-Minute Video Where I Teach You Step-By-Step How to Make a Being Board
A being board is a powerful tool for personal transformation.
I also explain how you can incorporate this tool into your daily ritual to supercharge your success and help you take consistent focused action in any area of life. I go over the example I made, and teach you how to make your own. Making a being board is a really fun activity. You're going to love it!

Ideas to Help You Easily Incorporate These Practices Into Your Morning Ritual
If you already have a morning ritual, the practices and exercises in the book will enhance it. They'll help you tune in to the qualities, characteristics, and attributes you need to embody to do what it takes to radically improve your results in any area of your life.
Additional Resources to Help You Further Your Study on This Important Topic.
I'm also going to give you a list of the exact books I learned this secret from. These are the top eight books on this subject I've ever discovered.
I refer to these books time and again for guidance, wisdom, and insight. In my opinion, these books should be given to every human being when they're born. They're that important.

The PDF Versions of The Magic Of Being, Books One and Two, My Children's Book Series On This Topic.
I wrote these books to help parents introduce these valuable concepts to children.
The earlier you introduce these ideas to your child, the more time they'll have to practice them. Like everything in life, mastery comes with practice. Introducing these concepts to your child at an young age will set them up for a lifetime of happiness and success. P.S. - More than one adult has told me that the message in these books has affected them in a positive way, and that they themselves have benefited from reading them. The truth is, these books are for human beings of all ages.
*New Content How to Make and Use a Being Board 2.0!
It's been over two years since I included the original being board practice and exercises. Since that time I've discovered another even more powerful way you can use this tool to help you realize your most audacious goals and dreams in life!
Take your practice to a whole other level with this 19 minute instructional video and downloadable PDF!

"The end of yearning is to be."
"What you must strive after is being. In order to do, it is necessary to be. The end of yearning is to be."
"Men do not attract that which they want..."
"Men do not attract that which they want, but that which they are."
"What you are comes to you."
"A man is a method, a progressive arrangement, a selecting principle, gathering his like unto him wherever he goes. What you are comes to you."
What You’ll Get...
HERE's everything you'll get when you purchase:

"Inside the Kindle and PDF versions, you'll find a link to download the additional content, which includes:"
- The full, unabridged audio book in MP3 format (listen to this multiple times).
- A one-page PDF explaining the bonus content, including links to the videos
- A PDF with the Just Be It exercise from the book.
- A PDF with instructions on how to make a being board (a powerful tool for personal transformation).
- A PDF you can use to write out your being master list
- A PDF with cards to cut out and carry with you as reminders of your top 7 ideas on your being list.
- Cards and signs for posting around your home or office.
- A list of the eight most important books I've ever discovered on this topic (you'll want to get them all).
- The PDF versions of The Magic of Being books. I wrote these books to share this important knowledge with children of all ages.
Purchase today, and start using these powerful tools to attract the experiences you want in life. I guarantee you'll be satisfied or your money back.
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You'll get instant access to all of the additional content when you purchase. Click the button below and discover the power of being!
Only $9.99

"...you must first be something."
"Before you can do something, you must first be something."
"Success is something you attract..."
"Success is something you attract by the person you become."
"Just do it is great advice..."
"Just do it is great advice, if you want to do something once. However, to consistently act in a way that attracts the circumstances you want in life, you have to...Just Be It!"
Learning And Applying These Concepts Will Make a World of Difference in Your Life.
When you purchase today, you're guaranteed to have forever access to any and all enhancements, revisions, or additions to the bonus content through the link in the book.

Summary of What You’ll Get...
- The 37 minute MP3 audiobook
- Two videos where I discuss the concepts in greater depth
- Practical tools and exercises you can begin using right away
- And much more...
All this for just $9.99
"When I created this package, my goal was to give you 10X the value for the cost. If at any time you don't feel I've accomplished that, simply let me know and I'll issue you a prompt refund."
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You'll get instant access to all of the additional content when you purchase from Amazon. Click the button below and discover the power of being!

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You are fully protected by my 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If you aren't completely satisfied with your purchase, just let me know, and I'll send you a prompt refund. No questions asked. E-mail me at contact (at) gmarkphillips (dot) com

"I'm committed to creating simple, fun, and effective personal transformation solutions that work. I designed this system for myself and I still use it every day to help me create the experiences I want in life. I guarantee you'll love it or your money back."